The USPS Form 1583 (v2023) is required by the US Postal Service, for anyone who wants a mailbox in the United States. Failing to fill out the USPS Form 1583 (v2023) correctly, or providing false information, can lead to mail not being delivered, the mailbox being cancelled, or worse.
A new Form 1583 (v2023) is required, if ANY CHANGES are made to the form or your circumstances.
You must provide us with TWO forms of valid ID, one a Photo ID and the other an Address ID. The USPS has specific requirements on what forms of ID are acceptable.
You are required to sign it once, but the Notary will need to sign it twice (once in Area 14a, and then on the Notary Stamp on Page 2.
If you are confused below is a color coded form with instructions:
Ignore. 1 & 2 You can ignore the LIGHT-RED shaded area.
This is the information of the CMRA, and is filled out by the CMRA provider.
Type of Service. #3 This indicates whether the Virtual Mailbox is owned
(and used by) a business or an individual.
If you select “Business/Organization Use”, then you MUST fill out Area 7,
the BROWN shaded area for your company. Likewise,
if you select “Residential/Personal Use”, then Area 7,
the BROWN shaded area must be blank.
Applicant. 4,8,9, The GREEN shaded area represents YOU, the person applying
for the Virtual Mailbox. It doesn’t matter whether this will be owned by a
company, or is for a company. The FULL LEGAL NAME of you, the applicant,
must be placed in Area 4, and the exact information of your Photo ID must be
placed in Area 8, and the exact information of your Address ID must be placed
in Area 9. The information you put here, must match the ID’s you submit,
and only valid ID’s that have not expired will be accepted.
Authorized Individual. #5 This is OPTIONAL. This permits you to authorize another
individual to collect mail from the Virtual Mailbox, if your Virtual Mailbox is setup
for you to pick up the mail. An Authorized Individual has the same ID requirements,
as the Applicant. With Law 4 Small Business (L4SB), we transfer the mail to you by
mailing it to another address. Therefore, the PURPLE shaded area is not relevant
for our Virtual Mailbox. Note that an Authorized Individual is NOT a Mail
Recipient (i.e. the name incoming email can be addressed to). Other Mail
Recipients, other than the Applicant, are identified in Area 12, the BLACK
shaded area.
Transfer Address. This is the address where incoming mail to the Virtual Mailbox will be sent. This can be a physical address, or an email address (for electronic transfers). This address can be located anywhere in the world, without limitation. There are no current US Postal Service requirements to authenticate or verify this address.
Company Information. If you will be running a business out of this Virtual Mailbox (or the Virtual Mailbox is owned by a business), then you need to put that information here. If you’ve indicated “Business/Organization Use” in Area 3, then you need to identify the company here in Area 7. If you are using this Virtual Mailbox for an Anonymous LLC, you MUST put that company name here in Area 7.
Area 7i: WHERE IS COMPANY FORMED? You must indicate the County and State where your company was formed. We will fill this out for you, but please double-check the information and let us know if we made a mistake or you have questions.
Other Mail Recipients? If other individuals (other than the Applicant, as identified in Area 4) are to receive incoming mail to the Virtual Mailbox, put their full legal name(s) here. Please note that our Virtual Mailbox provides for 2 incoming Mail Recipients only (and your company counts as one recipient), so you can only have one name here unless you upgrade your Virtual Mailbox plan to permit more recipients.
Please note that the US Postal Service can request two (2) forms of ID for the individuals listed here, although that is not necessary to setup the Virtual Mailbox
Sign in Front of Notary. This final Area 13 is for the Applicant’s signature, but must be signed in front of a Notary. Please see next Step 3 (below) on Notary options and how to get the final Form 1583 (v2023) sent to us.

Create Your USPS.com Account
Send us prepaid shipping labels!
click on the link below
Want us to handle it all for you? No problem! Simply purchase the Flat rate Priority Shipping option for easy inexpensive consolidation. Shipping inside the USA, Express and internationally. See your quote on how much your shipping will cost at Retail Postage Price Calculator so that you will know the amount you need to choose to cover your shipment from the "Booking Page" . (you will not receive a meeting link) You will choose a time for us to process your request. Please note that the mailman comes between 1p and 3pm and all entries before 1pm will go out same day.
To update your payment method:
Log in to the relevant Wix site.
Go to the My Subscriptions section of the Members Area.
Click the relevant plan.
Click Update Payment Method.
Click Credit/Debit Cards to add a new credit/debit card or select a previously saved credit card from the drop-down.
Enter the relevant details for the new credit/debit card.
Note: The current credit/debit card details appear at the top to avoid confusion. -
Click Submit.